Academic accommodations are provided after the following are complete: 1) all appropriate documentation is presented to the School through the Admissions Office; 2) the individual’s needs are reviewed; 3) consideration of how the disability might interfere with the student’s academic performance at SHP; and, 4) identification of reasonable supports and accommodations. Testing for accommodations is not provided at Sacred Heart Prep.
During the admissions process, all documentation, including the ASC Application, must be submitted. Families/students who do not disclose that testing is in process, planned, or has been completed during the admissions process may have to wait an academic year to be eligible for accommodations and/or ASC services.
Outside of the admissions process, students at Sacred Heart Prep may qualify for ASC services if they are diagnosed with a qualifying condition while enrolled that impacts learning and success in school. Students who submit an evaluation to the ASC, but are not referred by the School, will go through a Response to Intervention (RTI) process to determine if there is a demonstrated need and accommodations are appropriate. Not all students with a diagnosis, nor those who have an evaluation may qualify for accommodations or ASC services at SHP. Sacred Heart Prep’s RTI process is as follows:
- Teachers, counselors, student/family contact the ASC Director and BCET.
- Data will be gathered by the school counselor and ASC.
- Strategies/interventions will be recommended on a trial basis. A referral for further evaluation may or may not be warranted.
Families/students who do not disclose that a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation is in process, planned, or has been completed during the admissions process and/or families/students who do not engage with the School in the RTI process may have to wait an academic year to be eligible for ASC services.
Note: It can take approximately 2 weeks to review documentation and create an accommodation plan. Any documentation submitted less than 2 weeks before final exams will not be reviewed until 2 weeks into the following semester.