• SHP students enjoy the outdoor areas at Sacred Heart Schools Atherton
Preparatory (9-12)

SHP Summer Academics


SHP Summer Session features a variety of courses and experiences designed to fit the unique opportunity for learning which summertime makes possible. Courses are offered as intensive learning experiences over a period of four to seven weeks. Pay close attention to course details to ensure your desired course meets your (or your students’) learning style and needs. Please note, some courses are for enrichment only and do not offer academic credit. All courses, regardless of length, will include the same amount of coursework, so the shorter the calendar length of a course, the more intensive it is. No classes will meet on the Juneteenth Holiday (Thursday, June 19) or Independence Day (Friday, July 4).

Students who typically thrive in Summer School are self-directed, motivated, technology proficient, and independent learners. Courses are hyper-focused and fast-paced, and because they are taken one-at-a-time, students can fully immerse themselves in the subject at hand. This allows for depth and deep engagement unique to this format. Students must be comfortable studying and participating in in-person and modalities. They must have regular access to a computer and the internet for the entire duration of the course. While summer learning has flexibility, these courses require regular participation, meeting submission deadlines, and attending face-to-face meetings as determined by the course instructor. Families should note course-specific meeting times/dates and reserve these times on their student’s calendar. Families should also ensure that their student has additional time in their days protected to complete the balance of their coursework, which can be quite substantial. 

Please note that each teacher reserves the right to refine the class meeting schedule as summer approaches. Courses have limited capacity, so enrollment is not guaranteed. Courses with remaining capacity after Monday, March 3 are open to non-SHP students who meet academic requirements. Courses without enough enrollment by Monday, April 28 will not be offered.

Registration Process
While we strive to make space in summer academic courses for all students who wish to enroll, student demand for a particular course sometimes exceeds its capacity. Students for whom enrollment in a summer course is an important priority should submit a course request before Monday, February 24 at 6pm. If at that time, demand exceeds capacity for a summer course, we will utilize a lottery system to fairly allocate course seats. Students who are not assigned a seat based on the outcome of the lottery will be placed on a waiting list in the order of their lottery number. Students who are assigned a course seat will receive an email with a registration link and will then have 3 days to secure their seat with tuition payment. Any student who does not complete their registration within these 3 days will lose their seat so that it can be offered to the next student on the waiting list.

Course Request Portal Opens Monday, February 10 at 9:00am
Students and families may formally request enrollment for summer session courses starting Monday, February 10. No payment is required at this time.
Course Request Form

Lottery Deadline Monday, February 24 at 6:00pm
After the lottery deadline, seats in courses that are over capacity will be assigned first to students who qualify for priority registration (see below) and then to students selected via lottery. Students who get a course seat will receive an email with a link to confirm registration and submit tuition payment. Students who do not get a seat will be placed on a waitlist and notified accordingly.    

Final Registration Deadline Friday, April 25 at 6:00pm
Following the Lottery deadline on Monday, February 24, students and families will still be able to register for courses that are not yet at capacity on a first-come-first-serve basis until Friday, April 25.

Priority Registration
Students who meet certain strict criteria may be eligible for priority registration, which allows access to course seats in advance of the lottery. Students who qualify for priority registration must reach out to their school counselor to confirm eligibility and submit a course request online by the February 24 lottery deadline. 

Non-SHP Students
SHP welcomes students from other high schools to enroll in several of its Summer Session courses: Geometry Jump and Physics. Students who wish to enroll may do so after Monday, March 3, 2025 via the web portal – pending availability.

Please contact Mr. Douglas Hosking at dhosking@shschools.org with questions.


List of 10 items.

  • ENGLISH - Senior Writer’s Workshop

    This seminar course provides the structure and support to guide students through the college essay writing process, from brainstorming and idea formation to the final editing process. This workshop is designed to be a hands-on writing seminar for students who want to work on their individual college essays. The course will not present material different from that offered to every rising senior student at “College Kick Off”, but rather will offer a forum for a student to work through writing the college essay with individual support and guidance. The instructors will help each student access his or her individual voice, helping them focus on his or her unique attributes. Instructors will provide editing suggestions and assistance throughout the writing process and will work in collaboration with our College Counseling Department.

    This course is open only for rising SHP 12th graders and offers no academic course credit.
    Please note the unique course dates. Senior Writer’s Workshop does not take place during the regular summer session.

    Exact Dates: June 3-June 6, 2025* 
    *June 5 is reserved for students to meet with College Counseling Team
    Exact Times: June 3-4 (9am-12pm), June 6 (9am-4pm)
    Course Format: In-person
    Instructors: Lisa Harper & Jake Moffat
    Tuition: $950
  • FINE ARTS - Art Supplement Bootcamp: Submitting a Successful Artist Portfolio to College (Enrichment Only)

    The art portfolio supplement is an additional/optional piece of many college applications that allows students who excel in the arts to submit high-quality examples of their creative work. This 4-day workshop will provide students with the tools and best strategies for creating successful art supplement submissions. During the workshop, students will work with the instructor to select their best 15-20 artistic works, learn the best strategies for documentation of creative work, prepare high-quality digital files of their images, and create all accompanying written documents, including their artist statements and art resumes. The class will include many examples of successful student portfolios and provide additional resources for building websites and more! Students will leave the class with all the tools and materials needed to submit their art portfolios.

    This course is open to all rising 9th-12th grade SHP students, and offers no academic course credit. 

    Please note the unique course dates. Art Supplement Bootcamp does not take place during the regular summer session.

    Exact Dates: June 9-June 12
    Exact Times: 1:30-4:30pm
    Instructor: Vanessa Woods
    Tuition: $750
  • FINE ARTS - Creative Explorations, Artist Books and More! (Enrichment Only)

    In this 5-day workshop, students will engage in wild experimentation and creative play to make a series of small artist books that combine creative exploration and text. Using photography, image transfer processes, digital manipulation, printmaking, poetry, and collage, students will create a series of artist books to express their diverse visions and ideas! This high-energy workshop will combine daily prompts, creative exercises, and teacher demos with dedicated studio time. This class is devoted to experimentation, discovering new techniques, and—most importantly—having fun. By the end of the week, students will have developed a new set of skills and have several fantastic artist books to add to their portfolios.

    This course is open to all rising 9th-12th grade SHP students, and offers no academic course credit. 

    Please note the unique course dates. Creative Explorations does not take place during the regular summer session.

    Exact Dates: June 9-June 13
    Exact Times: 8:30am-12:30pm
    Instructor: Vanessa Woods
    Tuition: $950
  • FINE ARTS - Technical Theater, Page to Stage Intensive (Update! Now Offered FOR CREDIT)

    In this semester-long course, students will explore the world of Technical Theater and everything involved behind the scenes. The class will cover production organization and management. The class will focus on the Set Design process creating scaled floor plans and elevation drawings and creating a ¼” scaled model to take home upon class completion.

    This course is open to all rising 9th-12th grade SHP students and is now offered for one semester of Fine Arts credit.

    Exact Dates: June 9-June 30, 2025
    Exact Times: 8:30am-12:30pm
    Instructor: Fred Eiras
    Tuition: $1,100
  • HEALTH & WELLNESS (By Invitation Only)

    Health & Wellness is a one semester requirement that is part of the school's overall commitment to providing students with ongoing opportunities to learn about health related topics and to reflect upon individual decision-making in the context of the SHP community and beyond. The emphasis of the program is to promote balance, safety, self-reflection, and the skills to navigate various situations and decisions that students may encounter throughout their teenage years. A major goal of the course is to build healthy communities where individuals look out for one another and feel empowered to make healthy decisions. Topics of the course include: Adolescent Development, Identity, Conformity & Bystander Effects, Physical Health, Mental Health, Relationships, Communication, Substance Use, Sexual Health, Technology & Social Media.

    This course has UC approval.

    Registration by invitation only and is not an option on the course request form. If you believe you or your student needs to take Health & Wellness this summer, please reach out to their School Counselor. Invitations to register will be sent later in the semester.

    Course Dates: June 9-June 30, 2025*
    Class Meeting Times: 8:30am-12:30pm, M-F 
    Course Format: In-person
    Instructor: TBD
    Prerequisites: Open only to rising 9th graders who qualify for a year-long class in the ASC or who successfully audition for a year-long Fine Arts class. All other 9th graders are required to take Health & Wellness during the Fall semester of their 9th Grade year.
    Attendance: No more than one (1) excused or unexcused absence is allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a second absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $1,100

    *NOTE: Students who are unable to attend class June 9-13 as they complete their 8th grade year may still take the course if they attend a required make-up session from 9am-3pm on Saturday, June 14.
  • MATH - Geometry Jump

    This course covers the same material as a full-year high school Geometry course in a very intensive fashion. The main purpose is to develop understanding of concepts in plane, solid and coordinate geometry, the skills to apply these concepts to solve problems, and the ability to construct formal arguments and proofs. Topics include angles, parallel lines, triangles and other types of polygons, congruence, similarity, circles, various types of solid figures, area, volume, coordinate geometry, and basic right triangle trigonometry. Throughout the course there is a committed and consistent effort to review and use algebraic skills in the context of solving geometrical problems. This is a UC approved course.

    This course is open only to rising 10th graders. 
    Non-SHP students are welcome to enroll after March 3, pending availability.

    Course Dates: June 9-July 18, 2025
    Synchronous Meeting Times: Weekdays, 8:30am-12:30pm
    Course Format: In-person
    Course Instructor: Sally Decker & Laura Gremett
    Prerequisites: A- or higher both semesters of Algebra I for SHP students; A in both semesters of Algebra I and a letter of recommendation from current Algebra I teacher for non-SHP students
    Attendance: No more than two (2) excused or unexcused absences are allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a third absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $2,100
  • RELIGIOUS STUDIES - Senior Seminar

    The Senior Seminar in Religious Studies affords students in-depth examinations of selected areas in the field of religion. Teachers at the senior level guide students toward greater independence as thinkers and explorers of their own inner lives.

    This course is open only to rising SHP 12th graders. 
    Please note that Senior Seminar has a slightly different daily class schedule.

    Course Dates: June 9-June 30, 2025
    Class Meeting Times: 9am-1pm
    Course Format: In-person
    Course Instructor: Jessica Mueller
    Prerequisites: N/A
    Attendance: No more than one (1) excused or unexcused absence is allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a second absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $1,100
  • SCIENCE - Physics

    This course covers the same material as a full-year high school physics course in a very intensive fashion. Physics is an introductory course that explores the concepts of motion, mechanics, sound, electricity, and optics. Both conceptual and mathematical aspects of physics are covered and extensive demonstration and laboratory work are included. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion, and problem solving. This course will also include using scientific writing skills and graphical analysis to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the physical world. Throughout the course, there is a committed and consistent effort to use algebraic and trigonometric skills in the context of solving physics problems. This is a UC approved course.
    This course is open only to rising 11th and 12th graders. 
    Non-SHP students are welcome to enroll after March 3, pending availability.

    Course Dates: June 9-July 3, 2025
    Synchronous Meeting Times: Weekdays, 9am-3:30pm
    Course Format: In-person
    Course Instructor: Riaz Abdulla 
    Prerequisites: Placement based on diagnostic assessment and recommendations of previous Science and Math teachers; Completion of Biology, Chemistry or Chemistry Honors; B- or better in Algebra II
    Attendance: No more than two (2) excused or unexcused absences are allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a third absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $2,100
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE - Psychology

    Psychology is a semester-long survey course designed to introduce students to some of the most prominent disciplines within the field through examining their most significant studies.  Students will be challenged to analyze and critique the methods used in each discipline and to reflect upon how discoveries in each discipline inform their own experiences.  The course is broken up into four units, cognitive psychology (how do we think and learn?), developmental psychology (how does the mind evolve as we grow?), social psychology (how do humans tend to behave as members of a group?), clinical psychology (how do we as a community define and treat psychological disorders?).  Students will complete a research paper on a psychological discovery of their choice. This is a UC-approved course.

    This course is open only to rising SHP 11th and 12th graders. 

    Course Dates: June 9-June 30, 2025
    Class Meeting Times: 8:30am-12:30pm
    Course Format: Fully In-person
    Course Instructor: Dan Brady
    Prerequisites: N/A
    Attendance: No more than one (1) excused or unexcused absence is allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a second absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $1,100
  • SOCIAL SCIENCE - US Immigration History / US Immigration History Honors

    A History of US Immigration: People, Policies and Public Debate (1789 to Present) aims to provide historical context for the current debates over immigration reform, integration, and citizenship. While many Americans think about this country as a "nation of immigrants," the history of immigration in America is in fact contested and complicated. This semester-long course will be structured around a set of episodes in immigration history that span the nation’s founding to the present, with particular emphasis on recent developments. We will consider how immigration policies have shifted over time, why immigration has sparked heated debate, and how these realities have impacted immigrant communities. This is a UC approved course.

    Honors - Students enrolling in the Honors option should expect to read more demanding scholarly literature, provide regular written analysis of readings, and engage in a more substantive research project and final exam.

    This course is open only to rising SHP 11th and 12th graders.

    Course Dates: June 9-June 30, 2025
    Class Meeting Times: 8:30am-12:30pm
    Course Format: Fully In-person
    Course Instructor: Lindsay Phillips
    Prerequisites: N/A
    Attendance: No more than one (1) excused or unexcused absence is allowed; SHP will call parents if attendance becomes an issue and a second absence will result in withdrawal from the course.
    Tuition: $1,100
Academic Edge Program

SHP Summer Program - Academic Edge 2025

List of 1 items.

  • ACADEMIC EDGE COURSES - By Invitation Only

    Our Academic Edge classes are designed to prepare rising 9th and 10th grade students for greater academic success in English and math courses. Academic Edge courses take place from July 28-August 8 and are offered by INVITATION ONLY to students who would benefit most from additional support in these areas. You and your child should've received an email from your child's current English and/or math teacher. However, if you think your child would benefit from an Academic Edge Course, please reach out to their School Counselor and/or current English/math teacher.

    Registration for Academic Edge courses takes place separately from for-credit, academic summer session courses. Please reach out to Ms. Fehmeen Picetti at fpicetti@shschools.org with questions.

    Pre-Algebra I
    Course Dates: July 28-Aug 8
    Course Meeting Time: 9:00-11:00 AM
    Course Instructor: Torri Horovitz

    Course Dates: July 28-Aug 8
    Course Meeting Time: 9:00-11:00 AM
    Course Instructor: Karen Perone

    Pre-Algebra II
    Course Dates: July 28-Aug 8
    Course Meeting Time: 9:00-11:00 AM
    Course Instructor: Julie Tsutsui

    Pre-English I 
    Course Dates: July 28-Aug 8
    Course Meeting Time: 11:45 AM-1:45 PM
    Course Instructor: Ellery Dake & Maria Massucco

    Pre-English II
    Course Dates: July 28-Aug 8
    Course Meeting Time: 11:45 AM-1:45 PM
    Course Instructor: Douglas Hosking

SHP Summer School Director

List of 1 members.

  • Douglas Hosking 

    English & Health/Wellness Teacher - SHP

SHP Summer Academic Edge Director

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Fehmeen Picetti

    Fehmeen Picetti 

    Director of ASC - SHP

List of 4 items.

  • Course Information

    While in-class meetings vary by class, please note: all for-credit and enrichment summer courses fit within a 6-week timeframe. Students are expected to keep up with work for the duration of the entire course, in person and online (if an online modality is included). Students should check with the course instructor directly for questions about the summer schedule.

    Credit-bearing courses will begin following the end of Spring semester. Enrollment per course is maxed at 18 students, unless otherwise noted. Students may choose to take these courses during the summer for a variety of reasons and should work in tandem with their School Counselors when registering for these courses.
    • Course Dates - See specific course information
    • Please Note: No classes will meet on the Juneteenth Holiday (Thursday, June 19) or Independence Day (Friday, July 4).
    • Class meetings may vary by teacher; please see course-specific information. 
    • Note that less synchronous time may mean more asynchronous homework.
    • Students may not enroll in more than one offering, as class meeting times often conflict.
    Please note, in order to receive credit for a course, students may miss no more than 10% of in-class meetings and must pass the final exam.  Final exams cannot be taken early and will not be rescheduled to accommodate absences.

    • For semester-long classes, students may have one (1) excused or unexcused absence
    • For year-long classes, two (2) absences are permitted.  

    Non-SHP students must complete a transcript request form to receive an official summer school transcript from SHP.
  • Course Withdrawal

    Students may cancel enrollment anytime before summer school begins.
    • The last day you may cancel a class and receive a refund is Friday, April 25, 2025. 
    • A $100 fee will be deducted from the refund for any class you cancel. 
    • No refunds will be given for classes canceled after the April 25 registration deadline. 
    Students may drop from a course in the first two weeks of class. 
    • The last day to drop a course is Friday, June 20, 2025.
    If a student withdraws from a summer school course after the second week of instruction, the student will receive a "W" on their SHP transcript.  
    • Withdrawals are not allowed beyond the end of the second week of instruction for any reason. 
    •  If the course is being taken to fulfill a graduation requirement, the student will need to contact the School Counselor to adjust the Fall course schedule.
  • Tuition

    • Semester-long Courses: $1100
    • Year-long Courses: $2100
    • Senior Writer’s Workshop: $950
    • Technical Theater - Page to Stage Intensive: $950
    • Creative Explorations, Artist Books and More: $950
    • Art Supplement Bootcamp: Submitting a Successful Artist Portfolio to College: $750
    For students who wish to apply for financial aid for Summer School, please contact Cecilia Sobalvarro with the Office of Mission Culture and Strategy (OMCS) at csobalvarro@shschools.org or 650-454-8312.
  • Computer Use

    All students will need access to a computer or iPad for the duration of their summer course.  Please contact Mr. Douglas Hosking at dhosking@shschools.org if you do not have access to technology during the summer.

SHP Summer School Policies

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12