Since 1898, Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton has embraced its historic legacy, which traces its roots back to 18th century France. Grounded in the heritage, ministry, and spirituality of our founding Order—the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (RSCJ)—and the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, our bold mission demands that as a school and as a community we remain clear about the sacred charge we have been given to educate, inspire, and prepare students to transform the world in which they will enter.
The core of our educational experience, therefore, is to ensure that all SHS students:
- develop the habits of mind that enable skillful reflection and analysis;
- become ever more aware of truth, love, and freedom;
- discover the significance of their lives, and devote themselves to others;
- are able to recognize and encounter the love of Jesus;
- let their lives be shaped by an active faith.
To achieve this mission, we are guided by an
educational philosophy—articulated in the
Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education which gives purpose to our objectives and inspiration for all that we do on a daily basis.