A Sacred Heart education is an enduring investment in your child’s future.
We are committed to providing a maximum of academically qualified students with access, regardless of financial circumstances. To the extent that our funds and demand permit each year, families of admitted students with demonstrated need may be eligible for financial assistance of varying amounts.
All requests for tuition assistance begin by applying online through Clarity.
Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton along with many independent schools in the Bay Area, now partners with a secure tuition assistance platform called Clarity to determine a family’s level of financial need based on assets, income, expenses, debts and other information shared in the application. Together with Clarity, we hope to provide a streamlined and user-friendly tuition assistance application process to as many families as possible.
To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account (available in October).
From time to time, a student may need additional resources to thrive at SHS.
Available for qualifying families, our Non-Tuition Related Financial Aid (NTRFA) program can help with other expenses associated with the cost of a Sacred Heart education, such as purchase of textbooks and school supplies, student activity fees, participatory retreats and service travel, cafeteria meals, school-sponsored testing and college application fees, and other related items.