Compliance with COPPA Policy

Compliance with COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) Policy

Congress enacted the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in 1998 with amendments in 2012. The primary purpose of COPPA is to place parents in control over the information gathered about their children by websites/apps. The Rule applies to commercial websites/apps that collect, use, or disclose personal information from children, and operators of general audience websites or online services with actual knowledge that they are collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13. Additional information regarding COPPA can be found by visiting Questions

As part of our progressive mission, we continue to investigate and pilot new digital tools. The use of web-based software programs and apps has become an integral part of our curriculum in all three divisions at Sacred Heart Schools.

U.S. law permits schools such as Sacred Heart Schools to provide consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of all of its students, thereby eliminating the need for parents to provide direct consent to each digital service the school utilizes.

During enrollment/re-enrollment, parents acknowledge their consent for Sacred Heart Schools to provide personal identifying information for their child such as first name, last name, email address, username, and other details as required by the website and/or software/app owners or operators noted below and to the owners or operators of any additional web-based educational programs and services Sacred Heart Schools may add during the upcoming academic year. Parents further release the school from any claims and liabilities that may arise out of or in connection with the use of the technology and/or software as described below.

The following lists the websites and apps utilized by students at Sacred Heart Schools. Websites and apps may not be used by all grades or by all levels. While no vendor will offer a guarantee of complete and perpetual security, the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy statements for the vendors listed have been vetted (as are updates and changes to them) to verify that appropriate security and privacy measures are in place to protect those using the service. Please contact the Director of Information Technology and Innovation or the Administrators of the school divisions for more information.

Main School Platform Tools
SHS utilizes the SHS Blackbaud K-12 suite of tools for Course Management and Learning Management. In addition, the school uses the following.

Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
 (1-12) Includes Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube, Calendar  & Chrome iPad app Privacy Policy 
Students from grades 1 through 12 have Google Apps for Education (GAFE) accounts. Grades 1-5 do not have access to email from outside the school domain. These students are able to share documents internally only. Grades 6-12 have access to email and sharing in and out of the institution. Some grades use Google Classroom. Google Messaging and Hangouts are used in some grades and in some circumstances.

Student GAFE account passwords are changed at various grades, becoming increasingly complex as the child ages. These accounts are created from the student's Active Directory account set up by the school. Student accounts are created with the student's first name, last name, username, and password.

Teachers often use applications and extensions that require students to authenticate using their SHS Google accounts. Teachers submit the applications they use. After review these are allowed through Google Management and added to this page. This page is continually updated as teachers submit apps and review. 

Schoology (Prep)  Schoology is the learning management software used by students and teachers. Parents can also access their student work and grades. Schoology accounts are created with the student's first name, last name, username, graduation year, User ID, and password.  Privacy Policy 

Distance Learning Tools 
Circumstances may arise in which Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton will use video conferencing services, such as, in addition to our Learning Management system, GSuite, Schoology, and other web-based tools. Children's Educational Privacy Statement

Classroom Software
Adobe Creative Cloud (LMS, Prep). Privacy Policy
Albert I.O.
(Prep) - AP Exam practice. Privacy Policy
APClassroom - College Board 
(Prep). Used for practice AP exams. Privacy Policy
Bablingua (Prep) - World Language software includes FlippedSpanish. Terms of Service Policy
Big History Project (6th grade) - Students create accounts using their first name, a teacher designated last name and school email.  Privacy Policy 
Book creator. (Prep) Privacy Policy 
BrainPop Privacy Policy 
Canva Privacy Policy
 - This program is also called Daily 5. Teachers create accounts using student first names only. Used by 1st-3rd grade. Privacy Policy 
ClassDojo  - Teachers create classroom and student accounts using the student’s first name and random last initial. Used in grades 1st, 2nd, and 5th. Privacy Policy 
Class flow - This software works with the Promethean boards to allow teachers and students to interact together. Teachers create their own accounts and add students. Student first names are added along with a fake last name. Privacy Policy (Prep) - Computer Science course website. Privacy Policy
(Prep) - Computer Science course. Privacy Policy.
Concord Consortium
(Prep) - Science classes use some of the online games and resources. Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy 
Delta Math (Prep) Privacy Policy
 - Students create accounts using their first name and school email. It is used in grades 6-12.
Privacy Policy 
Educreations (website and App)  – Students create an account using their school username and password or join using Google. This is used beginning in grade 6. Privacy Policy 
ExploreLearning (
LS Math) Privacy Policy
Flipgrid (MS, Prep). Privacy Policy
Fountas & Pinelli
 (LMS) Privacy Policy 
FrontRow - Students create accounts using their first name, a teacher designated last name and school email. Policy Privacy 
Garbanzo (6-8) Privacy Policy
Go Guardian
 - This product uses student Google accounts. It is used in grades 5-8. Privacy Policy
Handwriting without tears (LS) Privacy Policy 
Houghton Mifflin – Math program used in grades 6-7. Privacy Policy for digital resources
IXL (MS)  Privacy Policy 
Kahoot (LMS, Prep) Privacy Policy
Khan Academy (LMS) Privacy Policy 
Kindle Privacy Policy 
Labster (Prep) - Virtual lab simulations. Privacy Policy
Learning A-Z
(LS)  Privacy Policy 
(MS) Privacy Policy 
MBS Online Bookstore (MS & Prep) Privacy Policy
Method Test Prep
(Prep) - College Counseling. Privacy Policy
(Prep) - Performing Arts program. Privacy Policy
Nearpod Privacy Policy
New York Times
(Prep) Students are able to access the New York Times from home. Terms and Conditions
(Prep) Students create Notability accounts to take notes in their classes. Students create their accounts with their school email address and a password.  Privacy Policy
Nova Labs by PBS (Prep) - While students are not required to create accounts, students might create them to save their progress. Privacy Policy
Pivot Interactives
(Prep) Privacy Policy
(Prep) Privacy Policy 
Quill (6-8) Privacy Policy
(6-12) Privacy Policy
(Prep) College Counseling software. Privacy Policy
(P-3) Teachers make accounts for students using their first name. Students join the teacher’s class.  Privacy Policy 
- At the Prep, students create their own accounts. At the LMS, parents supply the information to the teacher who creates the accounts for the students. Privacy policy
Socrative (Prep) Privacy Policy 
Storybird (4th grade Writing class) Student accounts are set up without email addresses. Privacy Policy
StoryboardThat (LMS). Privacy Policy
StoryJumper Writing 
(LMS) Privacy Policy
Textivate (Prep). Privacy Policy
(4-8) Privacy Policy
Typing Club
 (LS) Privacy Policy 
Vidigami Privacy Policy
 (MS, Prep) Privacy Policy (LMS) Privacy Policy
(LMS, Prep) - Privacy Policy
 – Teachers create classrooms using only the student’s first name. Students are given random PINs to use for login. Privacy Policy 
YouScience (Prep) - College Counseling. Privacy Policy

Used in ASC for Student Success at the LMS
Amplify Grades 1-3 Privacy Policy
Bookopolis (LS) Privacy Policy
Epic! (LS) Privacy Policy
Prodigy (LS) Privacy Policy
Read Naturally (LS) Privacy Policy

Additional Programs
Other programs may gather and/or display information on students, but are accessible by parents and administration. These programs and their privacy policies are listed below.
Comprehensive Testing Program (CTP) (Grades 3-8) & ERB Testing Privacy Policy
Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST) Privacy Polic
High School Placement Test (HSPT) Privacy Policy
Magnus Health (PSK-12) Privacy Policy

Progress Academic Assessment (Grades 1-2) Privacy Policy
Mobileserve (Prep) - Service learning Software Privacy Policy
Yearbook for LMS Privacy Policy 

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12