• The Main Building of Sacred Heart Schools

Preserving the Past, Perfecting the Present

Historic parlors and Heritage Room in SHS Main Building undergo renovation

This past fall, the two historic parlors and the Heritage Room on the first floor of the Main Building underwent a revival, led by alumna and PAL Sydney Wachhorst (SJS ’84) of W Design Interiors, whose generous contributions transformed each space. The remodel both preserved and enhanced historic features, and added elements that tapped into cultural and symbolic meaning–when guests arrive to campus and walk through these rooms, they are greeted by a warm ambience–each tapestry, window treatment, lighting fixture, and piece of furniture has a place in telling the school’s unique Sacred Heart story.
The renaissance of these spaces has involved significant upgrades and restorative work, and each is now something of a visual feast. For example, the “Heritage Room” has come alive with its new custom mural wallpaper of large-scale, black-and-white photographs sourced from the SHS archives. The “Quilt Parlor” now features an imposing wall-sized unit that frames the stunning Centennial Quilt on exhibit, while numerous photographs and school artifacts related to the pioneering RSCJ who established and operated the school for decades pepper the adjacent bookshelves. Previously housed at the former Sunset Magazine headquarters in Menlo Park, a historic table has been repurposed for conference and meeting use, and matched with a generous donation of restored Michael Taylor chairs. The original pattern designs for the parlor’s iconic centerpiece quilt–hand-crafted for the school’s 100th anniversary–were matted and have become a permanent installation along the room’s eastern wall. In the “Piano Parlor,” a similar display of original blueprint illustrations showcase the school’s early building plans and aspirations. And, framing the bank of windows in both parlors, new custom cornice boxes were designed with embroidered crests that “pay tribute to the history of the school, and help usher in the future,” explained Wachhorst.
Sr. Nancy Morris recalled the historic uses of all three spaces: “The [Quilt] Parlor was the ‘Reverend Mother’s Parlor,’ to be used primarily by the Superior to visit with her guests–everybody else used the Piano Parlor, [where] special piano recitals were held. The Heritage Room was a passageway to the upstairs or to the Palm Court [now Conway Court].”
Do you have memories of how these spaces were historically used? Please share your recollections by contacting alumni@shschools.org, or message us on social media: facebook.com/SHSAthertonAlumni and instagram.com/madeleine_sophie_    

Sacred Heart Schools Atherton

Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton

150 Valparaiso Ave
Atherton, CA 94027
650 322 1866
Founded by the Society of the Sacred Heart, SHS is a Catholic, independent, co-ed day school for students in preschool through grade 12